Alpha at St. John’s

Alpha at St. John’s

ALPHA will be coming to our parish in January. ALPHA is a series of sessions which explore the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation. No two Alpha's look the same, but generally it has three key experiences in...



We are excited to be participating in the 2024 #iGiveCatholic Campaign. Our 24-hour giving day is coming up on December 3, and we are asking for your support to help us raise money for our Music Ministry. Your gift of $10 or more can help us reach our goal this year...

Christmas Flowers

Christmas Flowers

Memorial Donations for Christmas flowers should be submitted online or by using the envelope provided in your packet. All requests should be received in the office by Monday, December 16 to be acknowledged in the December 22 bulletin.

Sunday Mass at 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM

Sunday Mass at 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM

This Sunday, September 8, we return to our school year schedule of 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM. We will also resume our Sunday morning adult ed gathering in the school cafeteria this Sunday, September 8, at 9:15 AM. The focus of our sessions will be the book of Genesis, the...

St. John’s Music Ministry

St. John’s Music Ministry

Our St. John music ministry provides beauty, joy, comfort, and inspiration for our liturgies and festive parish celebrations through the musical gifts, generosity and commitment of our members. Music ministry outreach includes Adult Choir, Youth Choir, Handbell Choir,...

St. John’s Chicken BBQ

St. John’s Chicken BBQ

Sunday, June 9th 11:00 am until 1:00pm Drive thru only 1/2 Chicken, Baked Beans, Applesauce, Roll Pick up at Knights of Columbus, 324 Bedford Street, Hollidaysburg Proceeds benefit St. John’s Social Committee $12.00 For tickets, contact the office at...

Summer Mass Schedule

OUR SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE BEGINS THIS WEEKEND: Beginning May 26, our Sunday morning Masses will be at 8 AM and 10 AM, not at 11 AM. Our Summer Mass schedule will be in effect through Labor Day weekend.

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

To encourage greater participation for the Stations, and to promote a greater love for the Holy Eucharist, our Friday evening devotions will begin at 5:00 PM with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, with Stations of the Cross beginning at 5:30 PM. Stations will...

Lenten Penance Service

Lenten Penance Service

This Sunday, March 3 at 4:00 PM, we will be celebrating our Lenten Penance Service, when several priests will be present to assist with individual confessions. An essential element of Lenten living is the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Its importance...

December 24/25 Mass Schedule

December 24/25 Mass Schedule

Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year, so Masses at St. John will be as follows: Masses for the 4th Sunday of Advent: Saturday, December 23, vigil Mass at 4:00 PM; Sunday morning Masses at 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM. Masses for Christmas: Sunday, December 24, at 4:00 PM...

Summer Mass Schedule

Just a reminder that on Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, (May 28) our 2nd Mass will begin at 10:00 AM. This Summer Mass Schedule will continue through Labor Day weekend.  

Mass of Anointing of the Sick

Mass of Anointing of the Sick

We will be celebrating a Mass of Anointing here at St. John’s on May 21 at 2 PM in the afternoon. Attending this Mass will fulfill your Sunday obligation. Please mark your calendar and plan on joining us.  We will need volunteers to minister as Lectors, Eucharistic...

Ascension Thursday

Ascension Thursday

This Thursday the church celebrates the glorious feast of the Ascension!  There will be a vigil Mass on Wednesday at 6:00 PM, and Masses on the feast itself at 8:30 AM and 6:30 PM.  This is a Holy Day of Obligation, and all are encouraged to make the effort to join...

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt is early this year. Join us on Sunday, March 19, after the 11:00 Mass in Father Bailey Hall, the school gym, where the children will be placed into age groups and given instructions for the Egg Hunt. Children 14 and under are welcome to come...

March 19 Brunch

March 19 Brunch

  BRUNCH FOR THE WHOLE BUNCH!  Please join us in Fr. Bailey Hall (gym) after the 11:00 AM Mass on Sunday, March 19 for brunch during our Easter Egg Hunt. Everyone is welcome!  Enjoy a bite to eat while the children hunt for eggs.  Even if you don’t have any...

Parish Penance Service

Parish Penance Service

Our Lenten Penance Service is Sunday, March 19, at 4:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to make your Lenten confession and to receive the Lord’s forgiveness as you prepare for Easter.  A number of priests from the Altoona Area will assist with this penance service. We...

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

In an attempt to encourage greater participation for Stations, and to promote a greater love for the Holy Eucharist, our Friday evening devotions will begin at 5:00 with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, with Stations of the Cross beginning at 5:30.  Stations will...

ALPHA Registration is open!

ALPHA Registration is open!

The Alpha Course will be offered beginning January 19, 2023 at St. John the Evangelist Parish - Altoona, weekly on Thursday evenings at 6:00 PM through March 30th. Alpha is an experience which through a Meal, Video Presentation and Small Faith Sharing Groups becomes...

Blessing of Bambinelli (Statues of baby Jesus)

Blessing of Bambinelli (Statues of baby Jesus)

During a Sunday Mass in Advent, Pope Francis blesses the “Bambinelli” or statues of baby Jesus saying, “the Nativity Scene is like a living Gospel.” It was during the Angelus fifty years ago that St. Paul VI first blessed the statues of the Child Jesus brought by...

Advent Penance Service

Advent Penance Service

Mark your calendars now for our parish communal Penance Service, set for next Sunday, December 18 at 4:00 PM. There will be several priests present to assist with individual confessions!

Mass of Anointing October 16 @ 2:00 PM

Mass of Anointing October 16 @ 2:00 PM

Please mark your calendars for a special Mass of Healing which will be celebrated on Sunday afternoon, October 16, at 2:00 PM. This will be an ideal time to reach out to those who have been homebound and arrange for their transportation to this important celebration....

Knights of Columbus Chicken BBQ

Knights of Columbus Chicken BBQ

Help Us Help You Chicken BBQ will be held on Sunday, October 16 from 10 AM to 1 PM at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Hollidaysburg. Take out only. Tickets will be on sale after all the masses on October 2/3 and October 8/9. Sponsored by the Hollidaysburg Knights of...

2022-2023 Haiti Student Sponsorships

2022-2023 Haiti Student Sponsorships

Please consider sponsoring a student in our sister parish, Sts. Peter and Paul, for $150.  The political and economic conditions in Haiti have deteriorated since we began our consistent trips in 2009. It is too dangerous to visit now. Our continued assistance in...

Mass Schedule Change

Please make note that beginning next Sunday, September 11, our second mass on Sunday morning is scheduled at 11:00 AM.  

Parish Picnic

Parish Picnic

As we say goodbye to Fr. Nelson and send him on to his new assignment at St. Mark’s and Holy Rosary and welcome Fr. Brian Norris to our parish, we invite you to join us in celebrating their new ministries by attending our Parish Picnic covered-dish dinner which will...

100th Anniversary Mass & Luncheon

100th Anniversary Mass & Luncheon

Our final event of our 100th Anniversary year is on Sunday, June 26. Bishop Mark Bartchak will preside at the 10:00 Mass that day, followed by a luncheon at the Casino. A formal invitation has been mailed to parishioners. Please RSVP by June 13 if you plan to attend...

Summer Mass Schedule Begins

Spread the word! This Sunday, May 29, we begin our Summer Mass Schedule at St. John the Evangelist Parish. The Saturday Vigil Mass remains the same at 4:00 PM, but Sunday Masses are at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM. This Summer Mass Schedule will continue through Labor Day...

St. John’s School Reunion

St. John’s School Reunion

We would love to see many of our former St. John’s students at the St. John's School Alumni Reunion on Saturday, May 28.  Mass is at 4:00 PM. We will be serving Mrs. Price’s famous chicken and toast cups after Mass in the school gym. You can sign up on the kiosk if...

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Sunday, April 3 after the 11:00 Mass. Children 10 and under are invited to meet in the gym after Mass to be placed in age groups and receive additional instructions. Light refreshments will be served. Please sign up on the...

100th Anniversary Parish Directory

100th Anniversary Parish Directory

A pictorial directory is a powerful tool in our church to help each of us know each other better. Our last directory is now out-dated and it is time for a new one. Please make an appointment to have your picture taken by clicking on the link on our website:...

Blessing of Throats

Blessing of Throats

There is a beautiful tradition in the Church when we bless throats on St. Blaise day. Monsignor Becker will be blessing throats at the end of Mass this weekend.

New Parish Directory

Since the Covid pandemic began so many people have not been able or not been comfortable coming to Mass and we have had to cancel so many of our parish social and educational activities. It is time to get reacquainted. The first way we are going to do that is to make...

Join The Joy Drummers

Looking to reduce stress, boost your immune system, relax, & enjoy general well-being in the new year?  Look no further than your own parish and join the Joy Drummers! This group meets every Monday, 6:00 - 7:00 pm, in the Parish Center. You need no previous...

Blessing of Baby Jesus

Blessing of Baby Jesus

One of the popular expressions of the joyful expectation of Christmas is the setting up of the nativity in our homes. The Nativity scene is a feature of our culture and art, but above all it is a sign of faith in God, who in Bethlehem came “and dwelt among us” (Jn 1:...

Cookies with Santa and Caroling

 Join us on Sunday, December 19th to visit with Santa from 3 PM to 4 PM in Fr. Bailey Hall (the school gym). Families are welcome to take photos with Santa. Light refreshments will be served. All ages are welcome! Bring your children and grandchildren!Then join Debbie...

Concert December 12

Concert December 12

St. John’s Adult, Children and Handbell Choirs will present a concert of music for Advent and Christmas on Sunday, December 12 at 7:00 PM. There is no charge for admission.

Advent Book Club

Advent Book Club

Advent is only a month away and Monsignor Becker has found a wonderful book designed to help a person get more out of this most sacred of seasons.  Entitled Advent in Plain Sight, this little book draws the reader’s attention to ten ordinary objects that appear in...

Mass of Remembrance

Mass of Remembrance

Join us on Wednesday, November 3, at 6:00 PM for a Mass of Remembrance. as we gather to pray for and remember our deceased loved ones. During the Mass of Remembrance, there will be a special commemoration for those who have died since last November and a candle will...

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat

All families are invited to dress up in their best costume, decorate the trunk of their car, and join us in the church parking lot. Each family is asked to bring candy to share as children trick or treat from car to car. We will be pairing up with the Lakemont Fire...

Special Collection for Haiti

This weekend we will be taking up a special collection for Haiti. Bishop Mark is asking everyone in our diocese young and old to contribute to a special collection for Haiti.  Online donations are also encouraged through the GIVING section of the Diocese of...

Angel Tree Chairperson Needed

Angel Tree Chairperson Needed

As we look forward to Christmas, we are looking for a new Chairperson to take over our The Angel Tree Project.  This project is a 6 week volunteer program.  St John’s works with Catholic Charities to vent and supply families.  Catholic Charities contacts us at end of...

Wear A Mask!

Wear A Mask!

IN CHRIST-LIKE CHARITY FOR OTHERS, WEAR A MASK!  The diocese of Pittsburgh has begun to again require the wearing of masks at all liturgies by everyone. This has been in response to the Delta variant which is exceptionally transmissible, and has begun to affect more...

Bowling League Begins Soon!

Bowling League Begins Soon!

St John's Bowling League begins Friday, September 10th. League members can pick-up a full schedule on the kiosk in the Gathering Space. We're still filling teams, and new members are welcome. Call Gary Johnson at 814-696-2683 for details.

For The Common Good, Wear A Mask

The diocese of Pittsburgh has begun to again require the wearing of masks at all liturgies by everyone. This has been in response to the Delta variant which is exceptionally transmissible, and has begun to affect more and more children. Thus, it would seem wise for us...

Sign Up to Attend Our Parish Picnic on August 1!

Sign Up to Attend Our Parish Picnic on August 1!

Don’t forget to sign up if you are able to attend our Parish Picnic on Sunday, August 1, after the 10:00 Mass. Sign ups for food as well as for volunteers to help set-up, serve food and clean up are posted on the kiosk. We ask that you bring your food in disposable...

St. John’s Bowling League Resumes This Fall

St. John’s Bowling League Resumes This Fall

St. John's Bowling League starts in September after a year-long hiatus. We bowl twice a month on Friday nights from September through April at Holiday Bowl. Please consider joining in on the fun and fellowship of an occasional night out at the bowling alley with...

Catechists needed!

Catechists needed!

We’re Looking for Catechists and Helpers for the 2021-2022 Faith Formation Year! CLASSES BEGIN IN MID-SEPTEMBER AND RUN THROUGH MID-MAY Please contact Diane Ryan in the Parish Office at 814-942-5503 or [email protected] if you would like more information...

Welcome Father Eloy Romero-Rojas!

This weekend (June 5/6) while Monsignor Becker is on vacation we welcome Father Eloy Romero-Rojas of Cross Catholic Outreach who is speaking at all Masses on behalf of the poor in developing countries. Cross Catholic Outreach was founded to create a meaningful link...

Summer Mass Schedule Begins

Just a reminder that starting this Sunday, May 30, we begin our Summer Mass Schedule. This means that the 2nd mass on Sunday starts at 10:00 AM, not 11:00 AM. Communion will be distributed in the Front Circle at 11:00 AM, not 12:30 PM.

May Crowning

May Crowning

May Crowning - Sunday, May 2 at the 11:00 AM. All children are invited to participate in the opening procession to crown Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

Haiti Student Sponsorship

Haiti Student Sponsorship

Once again we will be supporting the school of Sts. Peter and Paul by sponsoring students for the academic year of 2019-2020. The gift is $150. Most of the students cannot afford even part of the tuition cost but Sts. Peter and Paul wishes to open its doors to anyone...

Going On Vacation?

Going On Vacation?

Please use Online Giving to catch-up on offertory. Our parish provides Online Giving as an electronic tool for contributions so you can give via the Internet. Online Giving helps you maintain your giving even if you cannot be here at Mass.  Click on the Donate Online...

Sign up for Online Giving

Sign up for Online Giving

You now have the option to use Online Giving for contributions to our parish. The application provides you a convenient option that you may access at any time. Your gift will be transferred from your preferred method of payment directly to our parish. There’s no need...