Saint John’s Youth Ministry is aimed at our young people in grades 9 through 12. Youth Ministry activities are in addition to the regular Religious Education classes and Confirmation preparation classes that our high school-aged students are required to attend. Throughout the course of the year, our young people participate in a variety of activities, including worship, social activities and service projects:
At Christmastime, they deliver flowers and cookies to our homebound parishioners and help to wrap packages for our “Angel-tree” recipients.
Just before Easter, our high school students organize an Easter Egg hunt for the younger children.
Throughout the year, our teens enjoy cookouts, bowling outings, and the annual “lock-in” at Slinky Action Zone.
This summer we plan to add a monthly Youth Mass to engage our young people in a liturgy with music and a message aimed directly at them.
We are grateful for the generosity of our parishioners that allows our young folks to enjoy these activities, to which they are encouraged to invite friends, free of charge. We are also grateful for the many adults in our parish who believe that our young people are worth the time and effort needed to keep this essential ministry afloat.