Welcome to Saint John the Evangelist Parish

Our second Mass on Sunday returns to 11:00 AM onSunday, September 8.

A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine

O loving and merciful Father, we are Your people, and we are asking for

the prayers of Your Most Holy Mother and the intercession of St. Olga, patroness of Ukraine.

We pray urgently for peace upon the Ukrainian people.

Send your Spirit of wisdom upon our world leaders.

Send your Spirit of compassion upon those who bear arms.

Send your Spirit of healing upon those who are injured.

Send your Spirit of welcome upon those who are killed in this act of war.

Send your Spirit of consolation on those who have lost loved ones.

Send your Spirit of protection on those who have lost their homes.

Send your Spirit of hospitality upon all nations.

Send your Spirit of renewed hope upon your world.

May we live into your vision of a future of justice and peace, through Christ our Lord.




Mass Schedule

Monday : 8:30 AM

Tuesday : 8:30 AM

Wednesday : 6:00 PM

Thursday : 8:30 AM

Friday : 8:30 AM

Saturday : 4:00 PM

Sunday : 8:00 AM, 11:00 AM

Sunday Mass at 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM

Sunday Mass at 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM

This Sunday, September 8, we return to our school year schedule of 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM. We will also resume our Sunday morning adult ed gathering in the school cafeteria this Sunday, September 8, at 9:15 AM. The focus of our sessions will be the book of Genesis, the...

St. John’s Music Ministry

St. John’s Music Ministry

Our St. John music ministry provides beauty, joy, comfort, and inspiration for our liturgies and festive parish celebrations through the musical gifts, generosity and commitment of our members. Music ministry outreach includes Adult Choir, Youth Choir, Handbell Choir,...

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