The Good Samaritan Committee is a newly formed ministry at St. John’s Parish. It is our hope that this ministry will help to hear the cry of our local poor and to offer an answer through our charity to this cry.

We will work with local agencies and organizations to identify specific needs within our community, and through the generosity of our parishioners’ time, talent and treasure, attempt to meet those needs to our ability. We have, in the gathering space at the back of our church, containers for collection of needed items throughout the year. Additionally, we will work with other local churches to coordinate meals and other functions for those in need

Joy and fellowship were the hallmarks of our service to about 80 guests at the November 9 Love Feast. We are grateful to everyone who purchased food and supplies for this event. Give thanks also to the following crew who prepared treat bags and food, greeted, served, and cleaned up with record efficiency: Rhonda Adams, Agiolieri family of 5, Joyce Cunningham, Carolyn English, Mary & Ray King, Evie & Stella Koch, Linda & Dan McGrath, Ethan & Emily Miller, Barb Nagle, Jody & Leah Petrunak, Pat Podoletz, Becky Reed, Marge Rudolph, Fran Semelsberger, Natalie & Jillian Smith, Jane Strasser, Iris Tatar, and Anna Mae Widney. Our next Love Feast will be on Saturday, March 14, 2020.
