Advent is only a month away and Monsignor Becker has found a wonderful book designed to help a person get more out of this most sacred of seasons. Entitled Advent in Plain Sight, this little book draws the reader’s attention to ten ordinary objects that appear in sacred Scripture that speak of the coming of the Messiah and His Incarnation: Gates, Tears, Belts, Trees, Cloth, Light, Hearts, Gold, Stars and Water. God’s glory is revealed in the most ordinary of ways! We will meet online on the Wednesdays of Advent at 7:00 to share our reflections. This book is available on Amazon, and we will make copies available in the Gathering Space. The cost is $14 in paperback and $8 on Kindle. If you would like to participate, please email Monsignor Becker so that he can get organized for a zoom session.