Concert December 12

Concert December 12

St. John’s Adult, Children and Handbell Choirs will present a concert of music for Advent and Christmas on Sunday, December 12 at 7:00 PM. There is no charge for admission.
Advent Book Club

Advent Book Club

Advent is only a month away and Monsignor Becker has found a wonderful book designed to help a person get more out of this most sacred of seasons.  Entitled Advent in Plain Sight, this little book draws the reader’s attention to ten ordinary objects that appear in...
Mass of Remembrance

Mass of Remembrance

Join us on Wednesday, November 3, at 6:00 PM for a Mass of Remembrance. as we gather to pray for and remember our deceased loved ones. During the Mass of Remembrance, there will be a special commemoration for those who have died since last November and a candle will...
Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat

All families are invited to dress up in their best costume, decorate the trunk of their car, and join us in the church parking lot. Each family is asked to bring candy to share as children trick or treat from car to car. We will be pairing up with the Lakemont Fire...

Special Collection for Haiti

This weekend we will be taking up a special collection for Haiti. Bishop Mark is asking everyone in our diocese young and old to contribute to a special collection for Haiti.  Online donations are also encouraged through the GIVING section of the Diocese of...
Angel Tree Chairperson Needed

Angel Tree Chairperson Needed

As we look forward to Christmas, we are looking for a new Chairperson to take over our The Angel Tree Project.  This project is a 6 week volunteer program.  St John’s works with Catholic Charities to vent and supply families.  Catholic Charities contacts us at end of...
Wear A Mask!

Wear A Mask!

IN CHRIST-LIKE CHARITY FOR OTHERS, WEAR A MASK!  The diocese of Pittsburgh has begun to again require the wearing of masks at all liturgies by everyone. This has been in response to the Delta variant which is exceptionally transmissible, and has begun to affect more...
Bowling League Begins Soon!

Bowling League Begins Soon!

St John’s Bowling League begins Friday, September 10th. League members can pick-up a full schedule on the kiosk in the Gathering Space. We’re still filling teams, and new members are welcome. Call Gary Johnson at 814-696-2683 for details.

For The Common Good, Wear A Mask

The diocese of Pittsburgh has begun to again require the wearing of masks at all liturgies by everyone. This has been in response to the Delta variant which is exceptionally transmissible, and has begun to affect more and more children. Thus, it would seem wise for us...